From the Tai Chi Village in China to Kansas City USA
The Art of Tai Chi comes from the Chen Village in Wen County, Henan Province China, near the Yellow River.
Grandmaster Chen Zheng Lei was born and grew up in Chen Village. There he learned Tai Chi from his uncle Chen Zhao Pei. He is an 11the Generation Lineage Holder of his family’s Art.
He is recognized as one of China’s top 10 Martial Art Master’s as well as a China National Cultural Treasure.
He and his wife made a special trip to Kansas City to perform a ceremony to accept their long-time Student into the highest level of Chen Family Style Tai Chi.
At the Gladstone Community Center on Saturday, July 22, 2023, Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei performed the Bai-Shi Ceremony to accept Master Gary Huff as an In-Chamber Disciple.
At right are Kejia Liu, Gary Huff, and his son Jonathon Huff. Below them are seated Mrs. Lu LiLi, and Grandmaster Chen Zheng Lei. Seated next to him is Master Huff’s 30-year student and friend from Seattle, Randy Jones.

While the Grandmaster was in attendance, Master Gary Huff accepted 14 of his students to become first level Disciples in his School, “Three Dragons Way School of Chinese Boxing.” It was a weekend of celebration and honoring of traditions in the Tai Chi Culture for the students and friends of Three Dragons Way.
Events began on Friday July 21st with a reception at the Gladstone Community Center where members of Three Dragons Way as far away as Seattle WA and Haines Alaska gathered to visit and celebrate. A warm welcome for their guests from China! Saturday was an afternoon of traditional Chinese Martial Art Ceremonies followed by Dinner at the Summit Grill.
On Sunday, students and new disciples had a training session with the Grandmaster in attendance at the Goddess Maker Fitness Center in Overland Park. This is where main classes are taught by Master Gary Huff and Instructors.