About Three Dragons Way School
Three Dragons Way is the name of a group of people practicing and promoting the Art of Chen Style Tai Chi under the direction of Head Teacher, Master Gary Huff. Three Dragons Way is an official Tai Chi School with Grand Master Chen Zhenglei from Chenjiagou China. Three Dragons Way teaches classes and workshops in the Kansas City MO/KS metro area for Adults and Retirement Communities.
Master Gary Huff has been learning Martial Arts since 1978 and has numerous Back Belts. He started teaching classes in Kansas City in 1993 and founded his school in 2004. Three Dragons Way School of Chinese Boxing is a corporation that specializes in teaching Martial Arts Classes in different curriculums for Adults of all ages. Three Dragons Way does not have a business location except for the residence of Master Gary Huff. Instead, there are classes at various places around the metro area where classes are taught by Master Huff and Certified Instructors of Three Dragons Way.
Three Dragons Way specializes in Chen Style Taijiquan since Master Huff is an Indoor Disciple of Grand Master Chen Zhenglei. Three Dragons Way offers other classes and workshops in different curriculums of Martial Arts. Master Huff also makes high quality wooden Martial Arts practice equipment as he is an accomplished woodworker and expert in the use of many traditional weapons.
Students training with Three Dragons Way can learn to become Instructors through a special program.
Traditional standards are used for certifications and ranking in different martial arts.